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Seems every time I come here there is always work to do. I only wish there was some real monies from them because I think it would make it so much easier to put in a full effort. Usually the jobs come from your hosts and it is difficult to say no after they have been so generous to you. The first job this time came from a boat tour operator on Skadar Lake who wanted a web site for his business. Not a difficult task and the possibility is there to arrange for birding tours or perhaps to stay at his resort but I think this time I will be adamant that there is either a hosting charge or all he gets is a bare bones site and it will cost to finish it.

The second job will require a lot more thought. Zlatabor ( our host) has an idea that he would like to establish an interactive website where local property managers, restaurants, farms, transportation services and tourist services can have a consolidated web site where they can all be available to each other and to their clients.

Great idea and I do have the front end software to do it but when you think about it, this is huge. There would be about 10 sections to the website and each section would have probably 5 to 10 pages. Two or three of the sections would have a booking method and a payment method. Back end would be a MySql database.

I know he plans to charge each business that uses the site for their promotion a monthly fee of 20 Euro or so. If I were to build and maintain the site I would imagine a 5% or even 10% of sales would be a reasonable amount.

As always translation is the issue. Need to learn Serbian I guess ..LOL