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Skadar Lake

It has been my dream ever since the first time here to get out on Skadar Lake and photograph the birds there.To quote the info guide:

“The Skadar Lake has a rich flora and fauna. It is an important habitat for some 270 species of birds, migratory and the aquatic ones, (heron, čigra, fendak, wild duck, baljoška, scops owl ušatka, white egret…). The Lake is the sanctuary of a small colony of “panca”, particularly endangered species of the so-called the curly pelican which is the logo of the Skadar Lake National Park.

There are 48 species of fish in the Lake. The best-known ones are the autochthon ones, the most sought ones, first of all carp and bleak. Also, it is possible to find salt-water fish, like eel, grey mullet and skakavica.”

We have already had the carp from the lake at Zoran’s home prepared by “grandma” in the form of fish head soup. Delicous actually.

It is the commorants and the egrets that I am most interested in finding. I will be thrilled to see any of the species in their nesting habitat however.

Apparently there is a guide/restaurant owner who wants me to help him with a web site as well as photographs. We wil be going to the lake tomorrow where I will have the opportunity to photograph his location etc and talk with him about his web needs and in exchange he will take me birding. So we will see.