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Crossing Borders

Two days of driving, two days of adventure. It was rainy but that didn’t stop the three musketeers from adding more stamps to the passport. On Saturday, Nik, Marianne and I did the big loop around Skadar Lake into Albania and back into Montenegro. It was more of a lesson in development and culture than anything else but in spite of the terrible roads and lack of “prettiness” it was a very enjoyable day. Supper at a very nice little promenade restaurant turned out to produce simply bland and disappointing food. I think the only time this visit.
Nik stayed over so we could get an earlier start on the day. The plan was to go through the opposite border into Herseginova at the new highway up the mountains from Kotor. In spite of the rain the day played out perfectly, lots of history, beautiful sights and unexpected highlights.
On the moment we decided to eat at what Nik called the best lamb restaurant in all the Balkans. He wasn’t kidding. We arrived to a wedding party at the hall next to the restaurant. The ambience was perfect and the lamb was unbelievable.
Outside the restaurant is a huge oven ( room) with two lambs on spits and a coal covered oven pot with sweetbread and potatoes. There was a third lamb hanging on a hook and behind the oven was the butcher’s room. Marianne briefly felt bad for the lambs that were in the field behind the restaurant awaiting their turn.
Went to the birthplace of Saint Basil ( founder of Ostrog) met a wonderful priests assistant who told us so much history. Once again there are hundreds of little facts bouncing around our heads..some day we will learn to bring a small recorder with us.
Time is winding down.