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International Nights

During the semester ( which is just finishing ) the culinary students are responsible for hosting a cultural evening with a particular country featured. The group will plan the event, develop menus, prepare a presentation about the country being featured and present it to the guests in english.

Countries featured included Italy, Serbia, France, United States as well as others. The Favorite of course was Canada. It tends to be the most involved because te Canadian students participate in the preparation and the presentation. The menu included a smoked salmon on toast, vegetable soup, a beet and arugula salad and a stuffed chicken dish (signature dish of Glenn from Algonquin)

Entertainment was really interesting. They were a duofrom Russia that sang a selection of Canadian songs as well as British songs. Really different to hear them sung with a Russian accent.

Although the students need to work on developing a method ( subscription list) for making sure there are enough guests at each event the nights seem to be anticipated and well received.