It has been a few days since I have written in the blog, be patient, nothing much as happened except that it seems to be getting hotter every day. At home we hear all winter long it is -10 feels like -20, here it is 30 degrees but really feels like 35 degrees. WOW that is hot, Leo of course loves the heat, I am doing a lot better than expected. I guess my main problem is when it is hot or I am stressed because of the lymphedema my legs really swell up, since there is no stress I am managing quit well. Between doubling up on the diuretics, OOPS don’t tell my doctor and new fashion, toe-less, pink and blue compression knee highs I purchased (No don’t wear them outside just in the house), I am able to keep the swelling under control.
Two nights ago Leo and I were watching a movie and all of sudden the whole building and couches we were sitting on were violently shaking. I guess it is right when they say ‘why didn’t you move’, we just looked at each didn’t move a muscle. It lasted about a minute, when everything calmed down we went outside checked the outside of the house and looked down the street could see no one and everything looked fine. It had not been our imagination because talking to the bike rental guy he felt it too and said it was milder than the last one they had a few months ago.
Tuesday we did the dreaded trip to Manta; I wanted to see the harbor and get a few needed items. At 8:50 am the flashing update sign in the bus said 30.8 degrees by the time we got to Manta it was 31.6 degrees. We should have known better than to go to harbour front, besides taking your life into your hands trying to cross the roads, I got sick and almost passed out from the heat. Taxi back to the Super Maxi, sat for about an hour with a bottle of cold water, I felt good enough to find a place to eat. I was fine eating rice cakes but Leo needed food. Tried a different restaurant Oh Mar, very expensive looking ie white table cloths on the tables and leather chairs, almost too prim and proper for two very hot tourists. Leo ordered a platter of rice, salad, shrimp and a fish filet, I ate some, Leo totally enjoyed himself first fish we have had here. Did our grocery shopping at Supper Maxi, a few things at the drug store (Yikes very expensive) and wine (cheapest $3.95 a bottle) at the Comisariato (another smaller grocery store) and back to the bus terminal. Getting much more confident with the taxis and where we are going. To make sure we are at the right bus terminal I just look for a hotel called Leo Hotel, and know that is the right place. I will be putting some pictures in the blog, look for one with an older gentleman with a yellow security vest, I called him the Boss, he was shouting to everyone and pointing which way to go and made himself very important.
Got an email late Tuesday night that our 2 day trip to Pacooche Lodge has been postponed because some of the monkeys are sick and a few have died and at this moment they have no idea why, we are very disappointed but of course very worried about the monkeys.
Construction is ongoing everyday not enough to interfere with us or anything else, except yesterday we came back from a beach walk. There were about 7 construction guys at our house erecting this 20 foot high tripod made out of bamboo tied off with ropes going up to the roof of the second story (where the third bedroom and bathroom are). Leo tried to find what they were doing and the response was Hola and everyone smiling and pointing up to the roof. We sent an email to the property managers and found out this morning that because of the heavy rains a month ago they are going around to all of the houses and fixing drain vents. OK by us we don’t have to pay for anything.




We have been looking at quite a few of the houses that are for sale on the project and the range of prices, no were are just fantasying, which is good and healthy just if we could handle the extra payment. No again not to move but as an income property we would come here about 3 months of the year and the rest rent out. I have put some pictures in the blog of some of the houses; the big white house with the blue canopy on the roof is going for $159,000 (I assume all in US$) 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and fully furnished, the very small one, 1 story with no roof top patio is going for $141,000, the other large white building with other buildings around it called the Yubarta complex is going for $215,000, 2 stories with an upper patio, hot tube beautifully furnished (this is a gated community on its own, with its own swimming pool) and then they are starting another resident complex not built check it out The thought sounds great but we will see at the end of our 2 month stay here, whether this is for us and if we would just become renters.



Almost forgot till I looked at my pictures, Monday when we went swimming at the pool there was a guy there with goggles and ear plugs diving time and again in the pool, we just thought he was practicing. Till we saw the small scrub pad in his hands he was actually diving down and cleaning the sides and bottom of the pool by hand with this small scrub pad. SHEESH have the owners never thought of investing in a long handled contraption that I have seen our neighbor use in Almonte. These people will do anything to earn a bit of money in Ecuador, makes me think we have it pretty good in Canada and no right to complain.

The workers are making too much noise overhead so we are going to the beach and swim or just walk in the surf WOOHOO, will try and get some pictures