Yesterday was a very quiet day inside, 35 degrees C, not sure if that was ‘the feels like’ or actual, but believe me it was hot; no one out not even at the pool. Sorry not trying to rub it because it is so cold at home. We had left over pizza as an appetizer and headed to the beach at about 5:30 in anticipation of a gorgeous sunset first one without clouds in 11 days. As you will see by the pictures it was spectacular to say the least. Stayed on the beach till the sun sank into the ocean, I was waiting for steam to emerge as it went under. WOW!!!!!!
We walked back to our house with big grins on our faces and very happy. Had a delicious supper on the upper patio; steak, potatoes and asparagus with our $3.50 Chilean wine. What more can anyone ask for a beautiful night spent with my best friend.
Today it is Valentines Day, we have never made a big to-do about this, and we don’t have to give elaborate gifts to show our love and appreciation of each other. Had breakfast, charged all our camera batteries and Leo is heading out to take pictures of the many gardens that are here in Mirador San Jose. I am reading, writing in the blog and taking it easy, my foot has been really sore so giving it a rest. I guess I should have known after 4 weeks of physio that it was worse than I thought or just the lymphedema thing that it takes a long time to heal. I will be all rested up tomorrow to do another trek to Manta, almost out of coffee YIKES (too expensive at the corner store), and a few other necessary things. Trying to persuade Leo to take the taxi or bus to Monticristi, since he lost his ball cap he needs a Panama hat (made there by hand). Will let you know the outcome……
Marianne on step, in a dressIMG_1721
