
Leo did all the talking of Manta in his blog so I will just dwell on my interpretations and yes I did have an anxiety attack at the bus terminal. But all turned out OK. I also did a big “typical Marianne fall” cutting across one of the gardens on the way to the bus, all is good a couple of bruises, hurt ego and grass stains on my white top, OOPS.
Sitting on the bus in the sweltering heat with a hard warm wind blowing in, hanging on for dear life to the seat in front of me, I kept thinking OMG are we going to make it to Manta and then I saw a huge picture of the Virgin Mary in the front of the bus. We will be OK.
As the houses and huts (all of course with TV dishes on their roofs) were flying past the windows all I could think about how could these people like this…. but as the bus stopped to let people off I observed they are happy, clean and carrying bags of groceries.
I guess it is all in perception and I must not forget that we all just dwell on the material things of life. Always a real eye opener. I must say the bus was fun and cheap $7.00 for both back and forth, where a taxi would have been $35.00. Only downside was that on one of the crazy curves one of our bags toppled over, we thought we had retrieved everything but back at the house realized that Leo’s Algonquin College baseball caps was missing, no idea why it was not on his head but we won’t go there SHEESH, men. Will I go back to Manta, no choice have to go back to get any grocery items that the corner does not sell. And wine is cheaper found some across from the Super Maxi for $3.50, Chilean wine, not bad.
Friday is always exciting around here, the veggie truck drives through the project honking his horn to inform perspective customers. We met him up with him near the pub. The older gentleman was sitting in the back of the truck, peeling the onions and breaking off long stems from the broccoli etc. We purchased potatoes, tomatoes, fava beans, pineapple, strawberries, green onions and cucumbers. The young persuaded us to try some of the homemade peanut butter in this huge vat. I turned up my nose and one of the customers said that is very good. OK we asked for a small bag full (check out the picture the guy is really cute too).
Brought these home, packed water, oranges and lathered ourselves with sunscreen and headed to the beach to see how close we could get to the fishing village. The tide was out and a lot of rocks on our way were showing to reveal awesome shells, crawfish and again lots of garbage including gggggrrrr string of all lengths. Looking further into the distance we saw on the rocks white table cloths on 2 tables and umbrellas sheltering the people. Over on the left of the two tables was a barbeque, prep table and 3 chefs in their white jackets cooking for these people. Just really weird and awesome, but the smell of the food cooking was over whelming but that was OK we had a bottle of warmish water and 2 oranges LOL.
Didn’t make it to the fishing village, I really don’t think we ever will walking the beach, just too far. YIKES will have to do that dreadful bus and on the return have to hope we see one and flag it down. I know why don’t you rent a car but at $50 US a day and manual we need to think twice about that venture.
At home cooled down with a shower, cold water and a hour rest, walked to the pub had a beer and ordered 2 pizzas to eat on the roof top patio to watch the sunset. Two pizzas and 2 beers $17.95, that is really good. One pizza all dressed and the other shrimp, will I ever do shrimp pizza again probably not just too strange. Another cool nice evening in beautiful Mirador San Jose, Ecuador!!!!!