New Friends

Yesterday was a very quiet day, rained all day so we caught up on washings, love the washing machine and dryer pretty awesome, far fancier than mine at home. Swept the floors and cleaned the bathrooms WOOHOO sounds like being at home…..
Continued reading my Kobo the new Nicholas Sparks book See Me and my Kobo decided to delete the book ggggrrrr, no idea why it does that except Leo says Kobo is a real piece of ……… He saved the day by downloading another copy on the laptop, YEAH for my techy husband.
Took a walk in the rain in late afternoon down to the beach, because of all the construction going a lot of muddy areas to hop and skip through. Being the third day of Carnival there were still colourful tents and lots of people celebrating down on the beaches. Today pretty well back to normal with our gardener coming around on his moped and machete dealing with what he believes is unruly plants. The sounds of cement being mixed by hand the old fashioned way and also rebar for house footings being sawed with a hack saw and bent to shape by hand. All strange to us but this is the way the Ecuadorians do it.
Met Yves just down the street, he is part of the project very nice gentleman, down to earth and loves life here. Noticed a very cute beige dog on his patio and inquired is it safe to pet a stray. He told us they are strays but domestic strays, Ecuadorians have dumped them off because they have gotten too big or have had too many puppies. They have been adopted by the people that live here and also have a Vet that comes here and examines all the dogs and gives their necessary shots. I only have a night shot of 2 of the dogs that came to visit us and have been having a hard time finding them during the day.
Today we did the trek to the corner store to pick up a few necessary things, ie beer, icicles, chips and meat for supper. For $9.00 got a filet migon (I know spelling might be off) about 2 inches thick and enough for 2 meals not bad for a corner store. After lunch spent the afternoon in the pool, beautiful area with all the gardens, tables, umbrellas and lounging chairs. This where we met 3 English couples which was a nice change to all the French people the live here. Chatted and laughed for about 3 hours really nice people. One couple reside there all year round, another couple just had a three story house built and are in the process of decorating, they will stay there about 5 months a year and rent the rest to recoup their money and another couple that purchase a lot and will start building next year hoping that the dollar will be better.
After an almost perfect sunset and supper on the patio we skyped Jen and family and had a great chat with them, also saw Monte my kitty. Tomorrow it is off to Manta, another adventure, stayed tuned…..